Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Media Is Out To Beat The Republicans Again
Stan Katten    Jan 2018
Note that this article was submitted to honor the many contributions of Stan Katten to the dialogue concerning national defense. The views expressed are those of Mr. Katten and are worthy of respectful consideration.  MIL-ED takes no position for or against the views expressed in this article.

      Once again or still, the print, TV and radio media are getting full steam on to change control of the Congress from the Republicans to the liberal Democrats who follow Chuck Schumer (with his ever increasing idiotic vitriol), Nancy Pelosi (who increasingly sounds like she has lost it) avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders, and even former president Barack Obama who is repeatedly breaking the unwritten law that a former president does not publicly criticize his successor. .

With no regard for how unstable and foolish all this makes the (once) United States look in the view of the world community, the editors and liberal columnists and TV/radio commentators are intensifying their attacks on the president. Of the three leading anti-trump liberal newspapers, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, the latter even has the arrogance and hypocracy to print a headline that due to Trump antics, “US Losing Respect of the World”.

Nonetheless these hypocrites increase their horrific attacks on President Trump expected to be even worse than during 2017, when 91 percent of printed items about Trump were negative and the comments about his activities absolutely outrageous. The personal remarks and comments about President Trump, the first lady and other members of his family that have been increasing in frequency and intensity are not just distortions or  obfuscations, they are flat out lies.. Add to this outrageous behavior the steady supply of false news stories about the President and his administration and we have the total degradation of the once noble journalism profession that no longer reports the news, it creates it.

Uncooperatively and stupidly, four moderate Republican Senators (RINOs) played “my way or no way” games (normally called blackmail, not for money but for dropping or changing parts of acts they didn’t like or adding things they did) displaying divisions among the Republican Senators where the majority was only one or two. These few senators apparently fail to realize the immense harm such divisive behavior does by raising questions in the minds of the voters, especially the moderates and undecided, some of whom the Republicans need to retain control, as to the ability of the Republican party to govern effectively for the overall benefit of all the people. By blocking in committee or filibustering virtually every measure or resolution  Republicans attempt to pass, the Senate Democrats are trying to prove that conservatives can’t govern successfully..

There is nothing that will change the beliefs of the liberal Democrats who comprise about 20 percent of the voters, who buy into Senator Chuck Schumer’s utter nonsense that all conservatives are the enemies of the working people and favor the rich, and that corporations are evil that work only for the benefit of their multi-million dollar paid CEOs and their rich stock-holders. They believe everything Schumer, Pelosi and the media tell them no matter how extreme and ridiculous it may be and totally opposite to what they observe around them. So there is nothing to be gained spending time and money going after their votes. 

The moderate Democrats and independents must be reached repeatedly with text and data on President Trump’s highly successful year and goals for 2018, countering the liberal media’s suppression, distortions, obfuscations and fake news. The job increases, the unemployment decrease, the poverty and food stamp use decreases, the strong stock market, the 3+% growing economy, canceled excess regulations, recinded Obama’s illegal executive orders and  reduced taxes already attained, and programs to increase national security, defeat terrorism and revise immigration policy begun by the Trump administration must be communicated.. Failure to respond in force will invite Liberal reversal of all the good attained.

Although the Democrats claim the small business sector of the economy, that accounts for some 60 percent of the jobs, is more important than the  “hated evil corporations”, the facts are that corporations create most of the high paying jobs with retirement and heath care benefits. Also thousands of small businesses are franchisees of large corporations like MacDonalds, for example. The doubters should be reminded that it is the corporations that operate the Wal-Marts ,Sam’s Clubs, Costcos Targets and Safeways. They build the airplanes, ships, trains, trucks and automobiles,  consumer electronics, the MRI and X-ray machines. They construct and operate the communication systems and power generating plants and distribution networks. Along with small business, they are all part of the  private sector of the capitalist economy, all of which make modern life the easiest in the history of mankind? 

The Republicans need to prepare strong counter-arguments to the liberal’s complaints like, “ tax reductions will increase the debt” by pointing out that Democrats over eight years almost doubled debt from $11 to $19 trillion and that increased revenues from economic growth will  eradicate initially increased debt. This can be done by saturating the several social media sites, the e-mail circuits, the billboards and ordinary mail to convey the good news to the general population, Fox news and other outlets that strive to present both sides of the situations cover the information adequately and do not require special attention.

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